May 14, 2019

Living on the Edge – Securing Routers: The Latest Report Ship n Destroy for secure destruction of your routers

You hear us talk about securing your smart devices, but what about those devices that secure the perimeter between “your network” and “theirs?” Routers are the gateway from your company to the “out there…” How do you keep them secure? The CTA (Cyber Threat Alliance,) has been focusing on the alarming rate of attacks on … More

April 16, 2019

Is it REALLY Necessary to DESTROY My Old Smart Device?

Are you ready to breakup with your smartphone? Take these steps to ensure your security We get it – breaking up (and breaking apart…) your smart device seems so… final. What if there’s a photo you forgot to save on your Google Drive? What about that app you love – will you remember to download … More