Hard-Drive Destruction Made Easy
Dispose of your hard-drive securely through Ship n Destroy
Making your team nimble and profitable involves investing in new equipment – smart devices, phones and of course, computers. But what to do with the old devices? Landfills no longer accept electronics and putting your computer by the dumpster for recycling leaves your data vulnerable to theft. What to do?
- Destroy the hard-drive safely and securely through a NAID-certified facility.
- Be certain to transfer pertinent data off the device and into your new device.
- Store electronic data at a NAID-certified facility to ensure protection from fire,flood or a cyber-attack in your own facility.
ShipnDestroy can securely destroy your hard-drive for under $10 – isn’t that a small price to pay for peace-of-mind? It’s a fraction of what the fines are for a data-breach. Not only do we securely destroy hard-drives, but also desktops, laptops, smart phones, tablets and other smart devices. Reach out to us at shipndestroy.com for more information.